What Is Keep Tennessee Beautiful?
Our Mission
To educate and inspire Tennesseans to take action every day to improve and beautify their community environment.
Keep Tennessee Beautiful is the state level affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, and serves as a state resource for litter prevention, community greening, and recycling & waste reduction education.
Keep Tennessee Beautiful is housed by the University of Memphis as an independent department within the University of Memphis Center for Regional Economic Enrichment as a community engagement program. Keep Tennessee Beautiful is a grant funded organization sponsored by the Tennessee Department of Transportation with funds from special taxes levied on malt beverage and the soft drink industries (57-5-201 and 67-4-402).
The KTnB Advisory Council was established under Governor McWherter’s Executive Order #18 in September 1989. The Council is comprised of 14 citizen appointees and ex-officio members from Tennessee State Departments. Appointed by the Governor, citizen members serve rotating terms and follow their by-laws for the betterment of Tennessee as an attractive, safe and healthy place to live and visit. Through policy advisement, the Council sets direction for KTnB and local Keep Tennessee Beautiful affiliates.